Look at Miss Haley making her senior session look so amazingly effortless. She really was just a doll and extremely open to anything I threw at her. So loved our time together for her senior session in Kennebunk Maine. Haley is a big sister to Paige. She is currently attending Thornton Academy where she is very active playing Lacrosse and participates on the Varsity Cheering Team. Not only is she beautiful but she is in the top 10% of her class. Haley nanny's full time during the summer and is a very wise shopper. Her favorite store is TJ Max and she refuses to pay more than $20 for an item of clothing. Love that Haley. Enjoy learning more about Haley and her spectacular images from her sneak peek.
Oh so glad we decided to put this hat on Haley. Swoon!
Haley's favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough and her favorite color is burgundy!
Haley told me if she could go anywhere it would be Florida. There's always something to do there. (The beaches, the theme parks, and the shopping outlets).
She also enjoys being outside, whether it be at the beach, walking on trails or going on hikes.
Yes, she did go into the water for me. So worth it. When Haley graduates from Thornton Academy she plans on going to school and become a nurse practitioner. I am so excited to see what this year brings for you Haley. Happy senior year.