I was so happy to hear from Devan's mom a few weeks ago requesting to schedule a maternity session for her daughter Devan. Devan and Brian meet their freshman year in 2005 at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana. Brian is originally from Montana and Devan was born and raised in Maine. Devan & Brian got married on April 23, 2012 in Texas right before Brian was deployed to Afghanistan. On their 3rd wedding anniversary they had a Disney world wedding!! Our time together was so easy and the weather was just perfect. Enjoy the sneak peek of Devan & Brian's maternity session with me!
Devan & Brian are having a little girl. Little Reilly Teegan is due September 28 however the likely hood of her arriving easier is a very real possibility. Thank you Brian & Devan for spending the afternoon with me and allowing me to be apart of this special time!!